Weeping willows are glorious looking trees; especially when they are as established as this particular tree we came across as tree surgeons in Woodbridge, Suffolk. They provide one of the most exciting additions to a garden or indeed a public parkland area.
The project
This particular Willow was a centrepiece of an extremely well-established garden. Following an extensive inspection of the tree, it had unfortunately become infected with the fungus ‘Chicken of the Woods’. Chicken of the Woods, or to give its Latin name, Laetiporus Sulphureus, is an edible fungus, and so named because of its taste similar to Chicken. However, for a tree, it is a good sign that the tree has problems, and can become structurally unstable if the fungus takes hold.
The Willow, unfortunately, had to be removed for safety reasons. Because of excellent access, we didn’t require any specialist equipment, but we did lay down ground boards to protect the wet ground adjacent to the tree from any damage. We sectionally dismantled to stump level with all debris removed from the site, and then we ground down the stump to leave a clean finish to the area.
The client was upset at losing their beautiful tree, and to be perfectly honest, losing a spectacular specimen of this nature is upsetting. To relief the loss, we were able to plant a replacement Weeping Willow adjacent to the old tree site.
The outcome
Did you see us? I think losing a beautiful tree, but gaining a replacement is a good outcome. The fungus had compromised the old Willow tree, so it had to be removed. However, the replacement will undoubtedly bring joy to owners of this property in the future, providing an excellent memorial to the memory of an ancient and wise Willow tree.