Working in an area that requires public access is always a challenge and requires planning and execution of an efficient system to allow members of the public, whether on foot or driving to use the road. This particular project required us to install a Tree Surgery road management operation so that traffic could pass safely and efficiently.
The project
This particular project for our Tree Surgeons, situated in Aldeburgh near Woodbridge in Suffolk involved some heavy maintenance and trimming to a beautiful mature row of Holm Oak trees. The trees had grown so much they were overhanging the access road and obstructing large vehicles from using the road. Some were so low that they potentially could have broken off to create a bigger hazard.
To manage a Tree Surgery project like this, we needed to utilise one of our access platforms. The Wumag was the perfect choice for the job and allowed us to lift and prune back the trees to improve the access without spoiling the shape of the trees.
Our guys worked diligently and remarkably effective, given the sheer level of work involved. Meticulous planning and continuous work meant we were able to complete the tasks in a single day — a considerable amount of work for our team.
The outcome
Oak trees are undoubtedly beautiful trees, and the Holm Oak is a particularly attractive member of the family. To complete this project and see the positive difference for traffic flow, while ensuring the beauty of this tree line was an important aspect of this project. The Elite team did a great job in doing so!