Oak Trees can experience extensive growth in a short space of time. This particular tree had a high degree of untreated growth over many years. Unfortunately, the tree had also decayed quite extensively and situated in a precarious location.
The project
We certainly couldn’t be sure that another harsh Winter and potential Autumn would have seen this particular Oak still standing. It was very decayed and overgrown, with considerable weight distribution that made the tree a potential danger to the local enviroNment.
After careful consideration, risk assessments and method statements being produced, our tree surgeons team in Ipswich removed all heavy branches until we were left with a substantial trunk. This was further dismantled in sections, craning down the large sections which were then removed from site.
Our woodchipper was certainly working overtime with a great deal of debris that needed removing from site. A good days work for our team in glorious weather but everyone was decidedly tired by the end of the day. Heavy work but certainly rewarding work.
The outcome
It is never good to see the removal of an aged Oak Tree. This tree could certainly tell a story or two. However, the location and the risk to the people and local environment, meant this tree unfortunately had to be removed. The only positive was we could recycle the wood for other uses.