Elite Tree Services (East Anglia) Ltd is committed to meeting the needs of its clients and customers in an environmentally sound manner by seeking to minimize its environmental impact and acting on opportunities to generate environmental benefit.
The Company is committed to achieving continual improvement in its environmental performance.
This policy forms the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives.
The Company has set the following objectives:
- To comply with relevant environmental statutory regulations. In particular to use, handle, transport, store and dispose of potentially environmentally damaging materials within the appropriate legislation and codes of practice.
- To practice sustainable forest management through compliance with the UK Forestry Standard and other relevant industry guidelines and to seek best practice in carrying out its activities.
- To take due account of, and enhance as appropriate, issues such as conservation and biodiversity in growing and managing the forest resources of its clients.
- To prevent pollution arising from its activities or services.
- To ensure all employees are made aware of this policy, environmental issues and their responsibilities.
- To ensure all employees are competent to meet those responsibilities through training, communication, sharing of expertise and monitoring of the Company’s activities.
- To encourage an environmental awareness and responsibility in its clients, suppliers and contractors by example, instruction and dissemination of information.
- To maintain a strategy for external environmental communications including making this policy publicly available.
Dealing with waste to minimize environmental impact
Elite Tree Services (East Anglia) Ltd is committed to meeting the needs of its clients and customers in an environmentally sound manner by seeking to minimize its environmental impact and acting on opportunities to generate environmental benefit.
Our company understands the importance of waste m anagement and its effect on the environment.
We are committed to minimizing waste production by employing Reduction, Re use, and Recycling techniques at every stage of our operation.
We are committed to ensuring that all operations and activities are fully compliant with all current waste management legislation.
We have set the following aims and objectives:
– To minimize waste production in all our working activities.
– To operate within full compliance of Environmental Law
– Employ effective waste management practices to identify the most efficient methods to maximize the re-use or recycling of waste products.
– Manage the process to ensure compliance with best practice
– Through training and support, ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibilities under Environmental Law and how compliance can be achieved and maintained.