Last month we rediscovered our hedge trimming skills creating a beautiful archway that elegantly separated to sections of garden. This was just the beginning of our demonstration and low behold we are pretty good at garden architecture. Who would have known?
The project
Hedge trimming is a common requirement from our customers, and this project was no exception. However, the customer had ambitious ideas about making their very attractive hedges more appealing to the eye.
We were certainly obliging as it presented the chance for the team to express their creativity by shaping these hedges to form a beautiful back drop to the customers garden. We firstly had to remove the extensive growth that had occurred over he summer to reform the shape of the individual sections of the hedge. Once we had achieved this we then set about restoring the hedges to the original shapes that had been created over years of pruning.
The outcome was magnificent. A beautiful garden had been enhanced with statue like guardians of equal shape and size.
The outcome
This kind of project is of course quite unusual for the Elite team but presents a welcome change from the muscle tiring work of Tree Surgery. It allows our team to express itself and produce what is a very creative and rewarding part of our work. Topiary work is by no means a regular occurrence but when it happens you can see matching smiles on the face of the Elite team and the customer.