Outgrowing a location is very common with trees, and even though this particular Ash tree was really only semi-mature, its location in a courtyard amongst a rather dense housing area was rather inappropriate. It really had outgrown its position.
The project
Intrusive trees are commonplace and this particular Ash had branches rubbing on roof tiles, walls and windows of adjacent properties. The roots had caused substantial lifting and cracking of concrete paving and the light column adjacent to the tree had started to resemble that famous leaning tower in Italy.
The lack of space was made this project difficult with several doors opening out directly beneath the tree. For safety, we had to make arrangements with tenants to prevent access to their front doors whilst the work was undertaken to dismantle the tree. Using a rope and harness we were able to dismantle carefully in very small sections so not to endanger the immediate built infrastructure.
As we dismantled the tree using ropes and carefully guided by our team, we carried out this project with extreme safety. Once the tree was dismantled we then set about grinding out the stump ready to reinstate the pavement.
The outcome
This project was another example of our team’s creativity, except this didn’t involve carving out a beautiful tree crown or indeed shaping of a Conifer. The creativity came from having a full appreciation of the sensitivity of the location and making professional and considered decisions on how to remove this Ash tree safely. Experience, due diligence and planning made this possible.