Every now and again we get some really unusual projects. This was the kind of project that really tests our team and their skills. This project was probably the most unusual we have come across this year and required some planning to execute effectively.
The project
Willow trees produce the most beautiful canopies and are truly a sight to behold on a summer’s day. This particular established Willow had unfortunately been the victim of wet ground adjacent to a riverbank. It’s weight had uprooted the tree and it had fallen across the river itself.
This presented us with a difficult task as there was no vehicular or equipment access to the tree at all, so we had to proceed on foot carrying all of the tools needed to carry out this job. Our Tree Surgeon had to climb out onto the tree cutting off one branch at a time with the grounds staff pull each individual branch to the bank by rope. We had to be a little inventive, so we made a raft for our Tree Surgeon to keep his tools on whilst working on the tree.
One of the key aspects of working in this unusual environment was ensuring there was no contamination to the river, so we used special oil in our chainsaws. For safety all of our staff had to wear life jackets throughout the duration of the job.
The outcome
This project really did test our team. We had to be extremely inventive with our methods whilst ensuring the safety of our operatives and sensitive to the local environment. It tested us from the point we couldn’t use our vehicles because of access and it was a physically draining project because of the location. However, the Willow was successfully and safely removed.