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Tree Inspections & Reports for Commercial Premises & Public Areas

by fse-admin - / 28.11.2016

Elite Tree Services (EA) Ltd are regularly called in to carry out tree inspections and reports on trees in public areas, at commercial premises and in private gardens.

This summer, we had the pleasure of inspecting some fantastic veteran trees on the grounds of a private school in Suffolk.

On the whole, these fabulous trees were in good condition and required little or no work to maintain their condition and safety.  However, as you can see below, there were some which required more extensive remedial works to make them safe.

During the winter months, our weather is a little more unpredictable with higher wind speeds generally and even potential for snow to build up on branches, causing increased tree limb stress. It is essential that you have your trees inspected on a regular basis to ensure they do not pose a risk to others and they will not causing damage.

Regular inspections not only ensure your trees remain in condition, but also help to protect you from any possible claims should a failure occur.

If you are looking for planned maintenance, or think you may need immediate remedial work to trees, please give us a call on 01473 635193.

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